Saturday, 5 November 2011

Avatar poster design

"Being South African" poster

First I designed a 3D illustration. I took a box and filled it with all things that represent South Africa using different media.

Next i designed a typography poster using different media. I wrote a poem that explains my definition of being South African which was included in the typography poster.
The poem is as follows:

If I had a different name of if I had a different face
If I lived in a multi-cultural place
In a place where together we are strong
because the road that lies ahead is long

This is where my friends and I have met
and this is where my life is set
We have fun while we play the game
because black and white we're all the same

If vuvuzelas weren't played so loud
could I still say i'm South African and proud
And as we raise our flag up high
our spirits will never be shy

So if the people of South Africa were left just to be
If ever I lived in a different place would i still be me?

Then using Photoshop I combined the 3D illustration box and the typography poster to create a "Being South African" poster.

Computer shop logo design

Logo design foe a computer shop

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Coke Poster

This was my first project at Greenside Design Center. The brief was to design a coke splash using the 7 deadly sins.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Cobi Interactive logo options

This was one of the options i designed for the company Cobi Interactive.

Xenon logo and slogan

This was a project i had. The brief was to design a packaging, logo and slogan for a light bulb. I chose to design for a car light bulb (Xenon light bulbs), the slogan i came up with is " For a pure thrill".